Playing games so you don't have to. Lets face it. Im doing you a favour. Checkout my Youtube channel here. Contact: fairlyangrymike@gmail.com
Monday, February 25, 2013
Fairly Angry Mike: Alpha Prime - Review
Alpha Prime review! Alpha Prime is an indie game with some seriously stupid voice acting. This is also what makes the game stand out among other fps games. With the voice acting being so incredibly bad it somehow turns out incredible. You should get this game for that reason only.
Thursday, February 21, 2013
Playstation 4
So here we are. The day after Sony announced their new console and that it will be called Playstation 4. Gasp.
I have a couple of thoughts on this. First off, they did not show the actual console. I find that very weird. Not really upsetting for me as Im not a fan of sony but still. Isnt that weird?
I read on kotaku that Shuhei Yoshida said: "we have to keep something new for later. Otherwise you'd get bored." I think he is right.
We did get to see the new controller. I guess it looks alright. Looks like a playstation controller really. What else... oh yeah streaming gameplay on PSN. That is actually something I think is cool so good job on that.
Other than that there were some games announced. Nothing awesome really. Killzone, Infamous bla bla Final Fantasy bla Diablo 3. Oh really? Yeh really.
All in all very underwhelming and the funny thing is that the only thing I really "cared" about was the graphics quality of the games that were shown. Because like I mentioned yesterday, now we know what the next gen of console ports will look like.
Watch Dogs is a next gen game for the PS4 for example. Check out a gameplay video here. Looks pretty cool. But lets be honest. The PC could do this 4 years ago. Hopefully we will see more developers doing PC games for the PC.
Highly unlikely but I can hope.
I have a couple of thoughts on this. First off, they did not show the actual console. I find that very weird. Not really upsetting for me as Im not a fan of sony but still. Isnt that weird?
I read on kotaku that Shuhei Yoshida said: "we have to keep something new for later. Otherwise you'd get bored." I think he is right.
We did get to see the new controller. I guess it looks alright. Looks like a playstation controller really. What else... oh yeah streaming gameplay on PSN. That is actually something I think is cool so good job on that.
Other than that there were some games announced. Nothing awesome really. Killzone, Infamous bla bla Final Fantasy bla Diablo 3. Oh really? Yeh really.
All in all very underwhelming and the funny thing is that the only thing I really "cared" about was the graphics quality of the games that were shown. Because like I mentioned yesterday, now we know what the next gen of console ports will look like.
Watch Dogs is a next gen game for the PS4 for example. Check out a gameplay video here. Looks pretty cool. But lets be honest. The PC could do this 4 years ago. Hopefully we will see more developers doing PC games for the PC.
Highly unlikely but I can hope.
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Playstation Meeting
So tonight the Playstation Meeting will take place and there is a lot of hype going around. Mainly around Playstation 4 and everyone is hoping for an announcement. As a semi bitter PC gamer I personally won't be having high hopes of anything special.
In the end it is just the next step of "limited" hardware that PC gamers will have to conform to. I guess the real question is; What will the next gen of console ports look like?
Who knows? Time will tell.
Sony have been pretty good at pushing out new types of media though such as Bluray etc so I certainly hope I won't have to buy a new Playstation for that purpose.
Various news sites out there will be doing live streams of the event so remember to check it out.
So tonight the Playstation Meeting will take place and there is a lot of hype going around. Mainly around Playstation 4 and everyone is hoping for an announcement. As a semi bitter PC gamer I personally won't be having high hopes of anything special.
In the end it is just the next step of "limited" hardware that PC gamers will have to conform to. I guess the real question is; What will the next gen of console ports look like?
Who knows? Time will tell.
Sony have been pretty good at pushing out new types of media though such as Bluray etc so I certainly hope I won't have to buy a new Playstation for that purpose.
Various news sites out there will be doing live streams of the event so remember to check it out.
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
Mass Effect Metal Covers
Now this might be old news to some of you out there but I just across this today. As a huge Mass Effect fanboy and a fan of metal in general this is just really really badass.
LittleVMills is the name of the guy who created these great covers.
If you guys know of any other awesome game music covers out there, why not put it in the comments.
LittleVMills is the name of the guy who created these great covers.
If you guys know of any other awesome game music covers out there, why not put it in the comments.
Monday, February 18, 2013
Fairly Angry Mike: Aliens Colonial Marines - Review
Review time! This time it is Aliens Colonial Marines. A strong candidate for the worst game of 2013.
Friday, February 15, 2013
Fairly Angry Mike: Diablo 3 PvP - Demon Hunter vs Wizard
A quick look at some Diablo 3 pvp. Its me and my friend going at it. Demon Hunter vs Wizard.
Thursday, February 14, 2013
Fairly Angry Mike: Dirt 3 - Review
Review of Dirt 3. I dislike racing games by default so... Don't worry. It is only because I suck at them.
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
Diablo 3 patch 1.0.7
Finally Diablo 3 patch 1.0.7 is out! Unfortunately I am at work right now but I can't wait to go home and try it out!
Patch notes are here.
Finally Diablo 3 patch 1.0.7 is out! Unfortunately I am at work right now but I can't wait to go home and try it out!
Patch notes are here.
New PoE patch
A new Path of Exile patch is being rolled out. Some interesting changes with map additions and new 3d art.
Looking good!
A new Path of Exile patch is being rolled out. Some interesting changes with map additions and new 3d art.
Looking good!
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
Gaming pirates are annoying morons
Piracy is one of those things that you will see discussions about in forums once in a while. I am sure you have seen it and also participated. It doesnt really matter if you pirate games or not, everyone has something to say about it.
Once upon a time in my life I too used to pirate games. I was in my teens and did not have any money to buy games. So I pirated them knowing full well that it was a "crime" but also knowing full well that I wasnt likely to get caught or punished for it. After all I wasnt selling games or anything like that so why would anyone be interested in going after me. And I think that is how it is for most people out there.
However, one thing happened that led to me not pirating games anymore. I got a job. A job means money and money meant I no longer had an excuse to download isos and all that shit. So I have been "clean" for about 12 years or so.
This does not seem to be the case for everyone though. For some reason people that do have money to buy games still download them. Why is this?
I recently had a discussion with someone about piracy. This person was really looking forward to a certain game so naturally we talked about how awesome it will be etc etc. The game is the new Sim City by the way.
And when I asked if they are going to buy the special edition or the normal one, the person answered with neither. I will download it. Ok?
Why? You have a job. You look forward to the game being released. You know it is a good game. And in case you dont know you can always try it out with a demo if there is one.
The answer to that is that EA are greedy. What?
Ok so that is one argument I hear alot. Game companies are greedy.
Here is the thing. Companies are there to make money. That is their purpose. Why is it that when a company sets a price that you think is too high you immediately resort to stealing the software? This is something that always pissed me off.
You don't go to a store, any store and ask the price of a product and when the price is too high for your liking you steal the product! This only happens with software. It is mindboggling how people become thieves when they think they can't get caught.
If the price is too high you don't buy the product. You don't buy the product? You shut the fuck up about said product. End of story.
Another argument I hear often is that I download games to try them out. If I then like the game I will buy it.
Never in the history of gaming has this ever happened. No one has ever pirated a game, stopped playing it because they realize it is really good and then gone out and bought it. I don't care if you decided to buy the game after you cleared it. You are still a douche. Try the DEMO first.
Here is another gem. Convenience. It is a bother to go the store to buy games. Sorry. Direct downloads from Steam, Origin, Gamers Gate and what have you makes that argument invalid. And even if we did not have these convienient online stores it would still not be a valid argument. You go to the shop to buy food and other crap. So you can do the same for games.
DRM. Now this one is probably the biggest reason for piracy nowadays. People do not like DRM. And they like to whine about how they don't like DRM and how companies fail for wanting gamers to verify online or always be online while playing. While I agree that having to be online constantly is something that should not exist I do believe a onetime online verification is the right way to do it.
Either way you are not entitled to pirate a game. You have every detail about the game available to you before you buy it. If it says DRM then don't buy it if you can't handle that shit.
Why is it that gamers pirate games and software when they feel the price is not worth it? Why do they still feel entitled to actually PLAY and USE the software?
The answer is quite simple. Pirates are absolute morons.
They are cowards and thieves who only do it because they know they will get away with it. Was it any other product in the real world they would not steal it.
There is another category of pirates that I don't fully hate as much. The ones that say "Yeh I know that Im stealing and if I get caught I will pay the price for it and I would deserve it". This is very rare. I think it has happened once or twice that someone has said that.
But there is a certain amount of respect that you have to give that guy or girl for not being a fucking hypocrite hiding behind a bunch of lame excuses. So good for you if you are one of those thieves. :)
Food for thought: I used to work in the "gaming" business and piracy is well represented there aswell. How about that? One could argue that that is even worse. Supposedly because piracy is such a huge problem for games companies. Right? :D
If you guys have thoughts on this, just put them in the comments below.
Take care!
Once upon a time in my life I too used to pirate games. I was in my teens and did not have any money to buy games. So I pirated them knowing full well that it was a "crime" but also knowing full well that I wasnt likely to get caught or punished for it. After all I wasnt selling games or anything like that so why would anyone be interested in going after me. And I think that is how it is for most people out there.
However, one thing happened that led to me not pirating games anymore. I got a job. A job means money and money meant I no longer had an excuse to download isos and all that shit. So I have been "clean" for about 12 years or so.
This does not seem to be the case for everyone though. For some reason people that do have money to buy games still download them. Why is this?
I recently had a discussion with someone about piracy. This person was really looking forward to a certain game so naturally we talked about how awesome it will be etc etc. The game is the new Sim City by the way.
And when I asked if they are going to buy the special edition or the normal one, the person answered with neither. I will download it. Ok?
Why? You have a job. You look forward to the game being released. You know it is a good game. And in case you dont know you can always try it out with a demo if there is one.
The answer to that is that EA are greedy. What?
Ok so that is one argument I hear alot. Game companies are greedy.
Here is the thing. Companies are there to make money. That is their purpose. Why is it that when a company sets a price that you think is too high you immediately resort to stealing the software? This is something that always pissed me off.
You don't go to a store, any store and ask the price of a product and when the price is too high for your liking you steal the product! This only happens with software. It is mindboggling how people become thieves when they think they can't get caught.
If the price is too high you don't buy the product. You don't buy the product? You shut the fuck up about said product. End of story.
Another argument I hear often is that I download games to try them out. If I then like the game I will buy it.
Never in the history of gaming has this ever happened. No one has ever pirated a game, stopped playing it because they realize it is really good and then gone out and bought it. I don't care if you decided to buy the game after you cleared it. You are still a douche. Try the DEMO first.
Here is another gem. Convenience. It is a bother to go the store to buy games. Sorry. Direct downloads from Steam, Origin, Gamers Gate and what have you makes that argument invalid. And even if we did not have these convienient online stores it would still not be a valid argument. You go to the shop to buy food and other crap. So you can do the same for games.
DRM. Now this one is probably the biggest reason for piracy nowadays. People do not like DRM. And they like to whine about how they don't like DRM and how companies fail for wanting gamers to verify online or always be online while playing. While I agree that having to be online constantly is something that should not exist I do believe a onetime online verification is the right way to do it.
Either way you are not entitled to pirate a game. You have every detail about the game available to you before you buy it. If it says DRM then don't buy it if you can't handle that shit.
Why is it that gamers pirate games and software when they feel the price is not worth it? Why do they still feel entitled to actually PLAY and USE the software?
The answer is quite simple. Pirates are absolute morons.
They are cowards and thieves who only do it because they know they will get away with it. Was it any other product in the real world they would not steal it.
There is another category of pirates that I don't fully hate as much. The ones that say "Yeh I know that Im stealing and if I get caught I will pay the price for it and I would deserve it". This is very rare. I think it has happened once or twice that someone has said that.
But there is a certain amount of respect that you have to give that guy or girl for not being a fucking hypocrite hiding behind a bunch of lame excuses. So good for you if you are one of those thieves. :)
Food for thought: I used to work in the "gaming" business and piracy is well represented there aswell. How about that? One could argue that that is even worse. Supposedly because piracy is such a huge problem for games companies. Right? :D
If you guys have thoughts on this, just put them in the comments below.
Take care!
Sunday, February 10, 2013
Fairly Angry Mike: Torchlight 2 - Review
Another day another game.
This time it is a review of Torchlight 2. A game I absolutely hate in its current state. Also Sunday will be a video review day from now so look forward to that. I think I will also make videos on Fridays.
Saturday, February 9, 2013
What happened to the Space Combat sim genre?
Ever since I got my Hotas X flightstick I have been revisiting a favourite genre of mine. The space combat sims. In the last week I have been enjoying the shit out of Freespace 2 and even bought a couple of other games like Dark Horizon and Strike suit zero.
Other than that though it is a very dead genre and only Strike suit zero is "new" of the 3 I mentioned. Why is this? The Freespace games are some of my favourite games ever made with a great story and pretty amazing graphics for its time.
I am happy to see that with Steam alot more indie games are being developed and that among these are a few space combat sims. Sol:Exodus is a game that I have had my eyes on but I have not bought it yet. I will though. Just because.
Strike suit zero is also a game that was supposed to "bring back" the space combat sim genre but I suppose it is just too niche. I find it weird though when I see that the flight sim genre seems to be alright with a number of titles being released each year. Is "space" and "Scifi" really what makes the difference?
For me the space combat sims and scifi represents the dream of us humans one day taking the first true step out among the stars. It is true adventure. The exploration of space and in the case of the space combat sims, the battle for survival against the unknown.
You get alot of this stuff from fps games nowadays but nothing beats the overwhelming sense of urgency and immersion that you get from sitting in your small spacefighter going up against a capital warship. Dodging missiles and lasers while at the same time worrying about your subsystems malfunctioning.
Everything about the space combat sims are on such a different scale and scope that it is not even comparable to other sims. We need more of them.
Either way I will always be a fan and I am going to review all of these games in the coming weeks in order to further promote the epicness that is the space combat sims.
By the way. If you like Freespace 2 but think the graphics are a litte dated then check out the Freespace 2 source code project. It is pretty much an overhaul project and it works very well.
Take care everyone.
Ever since I got my Hotas X flightstick I have been revisiting a favourite genre of mine. The space combat sims. In the last week I have been enjoying the shit out of Freespace 2 and even bought a couple of other games like Dark Horizon and Strike suit zero.
Other than that though it is a very dead genre and only Strike suit zero is "new" of the 3 I mentioned. Why is this? The Freespace games are some of my favourite games ever made with a great story and pretty amazing graphics for its time.
I am happy to see that with Steam alot more indie games are being developed and that among these are a few space combat sims. Sol:Exodus is a game that I have had my eyes on but I have not bought it yet. I will though. Just because.
Strike suit zero is also a game that was supposed to "bring back" the space combat sim genre but I suppose it is just too niche. I find it weird though when I see that the flight sim genre seems to be alright with a number of titles being released each year. Is "space" and "Scifi" really what makes the difference?
For me the space combat sims and scifi represents the dream of us humans one day taking the first true step out among the stars. It is true adventure. The exploration of space and in the case of the space combat sims, the battle for survival against the unknown.
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Freespace 2. Attack on the Ravana inside a nebula. An old game but one of the best. |
You get alot of this stuff from fps games nowadays but nothing beats the overwhelming sense of urgency and immersion that you get from sitting in your small spacefighter going up against a capital warship. Dodging missiles and lasers while at the same time worrying about your subsystems malfunctioning.
Everything about the space combat sims are on such a different scale and scope that it is not even comparable to other sims. We need more of them.
Either way I will always be a fan and I am going to review all of these games in the coming weeks in order to further promote the epicness that is the space combat sims.
By the way. If you like Freespace 2 but think the graphics are a litte dated then check out the Freespace 2 source code project. It is pretty much an overhaul project and it works very well.
Take care everyone.
Friday, February 8, 2013
Mmorpgs suck. Why?
Good day!
Today I had a discussion with a friend about the state of mmorpgs and how they all seemingly fail to distinguish themselves from the WoW norm. Quite frankly it pisses me off.
WoW is an amazing game. It is WoW. Why other mmorpgs have to follow the exact same formula is a mystery to me. You would think that they have learned by now that it does not work. Only WoW works in that format because Blizzard has perfected it. It is what they do.
Anyways, the most recent games that I have played that are even just a little bit different are Tera online and Darkfall. And lets face it, neither of those games are perfect. They are good. But not great.
Darkfall is also being relaunched soon but since Aventurine is such an incompetent developer the date is being pushed back over and over. If it was one thing I learned during my stint with the original Darkfall it was that you can not trust Aventurine at all.
And so here we are. A new mmorpg is being launched called Neverwinter. Guess what is about. ;)
Still in closed beta for now it will certainly be "interesting" to see how it turns out. Have high hopes for this one? I don't.
Take care everyone!
Today I had a discussion with a friend about the state of mmorpgs and how they all seemingly fail to distinguish themselves from the WoW norm. Quite frankly it pisses me off.
WoW is an amazing game. It is WoW. Why other mmorpgs have to follow the exact same formula is a mystery to me. You would think that they have learned by now that it does not work. Only WoW works in that format because Blizzard has perfected it. It is what they do.
Anyways, the most recent games that I have played that are even just a little bit different are Tera online and Darkfall. And lets face it, neither of those games are perfect. They are good. But not great.
Darkfall is also being relaunched soon but since Aventurine is such an incompetent developer the date is being pushed back over and over. If it was one thing I learned during my stint with the original Darkfall it was that you can not trust Aventurine at all.
And so here we are. A new mmorpg is being launched called Neverwinter. Guess what is about. ;)
Still in closed beta for now it will certainly be "interesting" to see how it turns out. Have high hopes for this one? I don't.
Take care everyone!
Thursday, February 7, 2013
Real time PC graphics over the years
A very cool video made by PerfectHandVideos which showcases various benchmarks and tech demos from 2000 and onwards.
Take a look!
Fairly Angry Mike: Thrustmaster T.Flight Hotas X - Review
A new review of the Thrustmaster T.Flight Hotas X flightstick. For all you combat sim fans out there.
Check the Video and sub to my channel.
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
Tera Online Free to play
I always had a very lackluster interest for mmorpgs. I used to play WoW alot and after it got boring no other mmorpg has been able to keep me interested. I do think it is mainly because the combat always suck. They always seem to use tab targeting and I really do hate tab targeting.
Ive been playing Tera Online on and off for a while and I have to say that it is somewhat refreshing since the combat system is more action oriented. You actually have to aim at your enemy in order to hit and if you dont aim at them you will miss. Makes sense right? In other words it is up to you and not some hidden stat rolls that dictate hit or miss. I like it.
Tera is now Free to Play and hopefully this will mean more people on the servers. Well, atleast I will play it even if it is just casually. :)
Check out Tera here.
I always had a very lackluster interest for mmorpgs. I used to play WoW alot and after it got boring no other mmorpg has been able to keep me interested. I do think it is mainly because the combat always suck. They always seem to use tab targeting and I really do hate tab targeting.
Ive been playing Tera Online on and off for a while and I have to say that it is somewhat refreshing since the combat system is more action oriented. You actually have to aim at your enemy in order to hit and if you dont aim at them you will miss. Makes sense right? In other words it is up to you and not some hidden stat rolls that dictate hit or miss. I like it.
Tera is now Free to Play and hopefully this will mean more people on the servers. Well, atleast I will play it even if it is just casually. :)
Check out Tera here.
Monday, February 4, 2013
Fairly Angry Mike: Thrustmaster Dual Analog 4 Gamepad - Recension
Som jag sa tidigare så skulle jag lägga upp en recension av min nya budget handkontroll Thrustmaster Dual Analog 4
En billig och hyffsat bra gamepad i korthet. Som vanligt är videon på engelska.
Friday, February 1, 2013
Gabe Newell giving a lecture
Here is a video of Gabe Newell giving a lecture to a bunch of people. He speaks about how he went from nothing to creating Valve and Steam. Pretty interesting stuff.
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