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Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Xbox One - Always online? Maybe.

Hey guys!

More and more information about the Xbox One keeps coming in. Today we can read on Kotaku that the Xbox One does require an internet connection in order to play. Or does it?

According to this update in the article it seems that Microsoft themselves are not sure. Or atleast haven't decided yet.

"While Phil [Harrison] discussed many potential scenarios around games on Xbox One, today we have only confirmed that we designed Xbox One to enable our customers to trade in and resell games at retail," a Microsoft rep said. "There have been reports of a specific time period — those were discussions of potential scenarios, but we have not confirmed any details today, nor will we be."

Either way having to be connected atleast once in a 24 hour period is most likely not a hassle for us people that are always online but it really should not be a requirement. Should you not be allowed to play on your new Xbox One if you don't have a connection? Seems pretty stupid to me.

Hopefully Microsoft can sort this out soon and provide us all with more solid details on exactly what you can and can't do with their new console.

Take care!

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